Monday, October 13, 2014

Blogtober Day 9

Your worst date ever.
My senior year of college at KU, I went to a halloween party dressed as a "glow stick person."  It was my cheapest and probably my most creative costume to date.

Anyways, at this halloween party, I met a guy who happened to catch my eye.  He was tall, had blue eyes, etc., etc., (obviously I have a type).  We chatted briefly before parting ways.
I promise that it looked much cooler in the dark.

A few days later, I had a Facebook message from someone I didn't know and it turned out to be him.  We exchanged phone numbers and arranged a little date in Topeka.

We met at his apartment and went to the Classic Bean where I proceeded to order a smoothie since I'm not a coffee drinker (this has no relevance to the story, but I thought I would let you know).  We started talking and somehow the conversation led to a discussion about Harry Potter.  Now, I love Harry Potter.  As in, I've read the series at least five times (probably more), had a movie marathon with my sister before the final movie premiered, went to midnight premieres of the movies, I got a sneak peek of Harry Potter World before it opened, and I want to be Hermione Granger.  You could call it a bit of an obsession.

Anyways, as soon as the most famous wizard ever was brought up, he began talking about how much he hated Harry Potter because his ex-girlfriend loved the series and he had wanted to marry her but she broke up with him (red flag!), blah, blah, blah.

It was an extremely awkward conversation.  We hung out a few more times, a few more red flags went off, and I decided my time was better spent hanging out with my friends.

As the saying goes, "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince."  And now I'm married to the most amazing man I know!

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