Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blogtober Day 2

Every job you've ever held and which one was your favorite.
My very first job was as a math tutor to an elementary school student and I loved it.  Math was one of my favorite subjects in my younger years and you pair that with my love of teaching and I was hooked.  Sadly, it only lasted for one semester.

The next job I had was babysitting.  I babysat for various families occasionally and then one summer, I watched five little ones for one day a week.  I had my hands full!

The first "real" job I took was as a service clerk at the Walgreen's on North Topeka Boulevard.  I worked Wednesday evenings and Saturdays.  While it wasn't the most glamorous job in the world, it was a decent paycheck and I loved organizing the shelves!

After my junior year of high school, a new pool opened up out north and I took a position as a lifeguard and said goodbye to my job at Walgreen's.  Lifeguarding was fabulous!  I worked with many of my high school friends, got a tan, and the hours were a high schooler's dream.  It was hands down the best job in my younger years.  I worked at the pool for four summers ultimately becoming a water safety instructor and head guard before quitting.

My sophomore year of college, I spent winter break taking a CNA class and began using it the following May when I became a Student Nurse Technician (SNT) at a local hospital.  That summer, I would lifeguard from 11:00-3:30 and then go work at the hospital from 3:30-midnight.  It was a crazy summer!

Since I only worked intermittently at the hospital, I could set my own hours which was great, but I knew I needed another part-time position.  The opportunity presented itself when my anatomy instructor at KU asked if I would like to be a teaching assistant.  I jumped at the chance and taught anatomy for three semesters!  It was an excellent learning opportunity and I had so much fun doing it!

I continued to work as a SNT at the hospital throughout nursing school and after school, I was hired on to the same unit as a Registered Nurse.  Although the hours are not ideal and I would love to have weekends off, I love my job.  I know my ultimate goals will take me elsewhere, but for the time being this is right where I am supposed to be.
Don't forget to share your jobs!

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