Friday, October 3, 2014

Blogtober Day 3

The one book you could read again and again.
My answer is going to be so generic, but the one book I could read again and again would actually be the Harry Potter series.  If you asked me to narrow it down to which book, it would definitely be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

When I received the first Harry Potter book in 4th grade, I read chapter one and put it aside.  I picked it up again in 5th grade and I couldn't put it down.  As soon as the 2nd and 3rd books were published, they became part of my library and I can still remember reading them while on vacation with my mom, aunt, and sister to Chicago.

Each time a new book was released, I bought it.  In fact, I often pre-ordered it so I wouldn't have to go a day without it.  The last book came out the summer after I graduated from high school and the night before my family was leaving for Galveston for vacation.  I spent the entire drive down through Oklahoma and Texas reading until I read the last three words, "all was well."

I grew up with Harry Potter-the books and the movies.  I went to the midnight showings of many movies with my friends or sister.  I forced my sister to play Hogwarts with me when we were younger-I was the professor and she was the student.  The night the last movie premiered was a bitter sweet one and almost felt as if the end of an era.  Each new release was something to look forward to and then it just ended.
Our sneak peek of Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter while on vacation during the summer of 2010.

That being said, the books are something I will never part with and I will read them again and again.  I've already read the entire series at least five times and I can guarantee it will be read more.

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