Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blogtober Day 15

What do you do to relax?

I'm still looking for the perfect way to wind down because I can be pretty high strung at times.  Interestingly enough, my anxiety worsened when I went to college and it went up from there.  Driving, especially in the rain or snow, would really do me in.  In fact, Ion my way home to Topeka or back to Lawrence I would count the mile markers just to help me get through the drive (borderline crazy I know).  Thankfully, the past few years have been pretty good.
My best solution was just to come to terms with the fact that most everything is not in my control, despite the fact that I want it to be at all times.  Being a control freak made this really difficult, but as I stated I have gotten much better.  I still have my quirks (i.e. volume on an odd number really bothers me, I count stairs, I don't particulary enjoy crowds or elevators, etc.) but these are minor compared to the fact that I could be agoraphobic.
Other ways I have found to relax include listening to soothing music.  I have a playlist on my phone and computer specifically called "Calming" and it consists of some Enya, Hans Zimmer, and various other classical melodies.  Lavendar has also played a big part.  Not everyone can stand the aroma, but I love it and it has been proven to help calm you down.
I wish I was a bath person, but I've never really gotten into that sort of thing, but a hot shower will generally due the trick as well.  Lastly, a good old Disney movie.  I know, I know this sounds silly, but there is something about watching a movie from my childhood that I find relaxing.  It takes me back to a time that was more carefree.
I'm up for other ideas if you have any suggestions!

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