Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blogtober Day 6

A day in your life, including photographs

My schedule is completely dependent on the day of the week and whether or not I work that day.  For example, on Fridays I teach clinicals from 6:45-4:00 then I go to work at the hospital until midnight.  On my days off, I don't set an alarm and I may work around the house, go into Topeka for errands, or have a lazy day catching up on my DVR or reading.

Yesterday happened to be a day I was scheduled to work.  I woke up at 8:15 and got myself a mug of apple cider.  Occasionally I'll eat some toast, a breakfast burrito, yogurt, or cream of wheat, but this particular morning I opted just for a drink.  I usually watch one show that I DVR while I wake up.  Yesterday morning, I watched How to Get Away with Murder (SIDENOTE: Have you all watched this?!  I'm so excited for another Shonda Rhimes show!). I also use this time to read blogs, check email, and read the news.

After the show ended, I started cleaning the windows in the kitchen, dining room, and living room so I could put up my Halloween gel window decals.  I just love those things!  I put up a few more Halloween decorations and then spent the rest of the morning putting things in their proper place, folding laundry, and putting away all of our wedding cards and my bridal shower cards while burning my Pumpkin Apple candle and listening to music.

For lunch, I opted for macaroni and cheese which I ate while watching an episode of Downtown Abbey.  I'm currently watching season two which I have rented from the library.

After the episode was over, I got ready for work and left for Topeka.  I stopped to get gas at Sam's and then went to the mall to return a few items at Old Navy.  I also stopped in at Bath and Body Works to use a gift card and coupon.  I just love all of the fall scents they have out right now!  By then it was nearing 3:00 and time for me to head on towards the hospital to be at work by 3:30.

Work was pretty typical and during my downtime I was able to get some grading done for my nursing students.  I meant to take a picture when I got home, but it was 12:35 AM.  I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and crawled into bed for a good night's rest before today!

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