Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blogtober Day 21

What are your pet peeves?

If you were to ask my dear sweet husband or my wonderful parents and siblings, I'm sure they would be able to list many many more than I am about to share with you but I'll keep things somewhat short and simple.

1. The volume being on an odd number, whether it be on the radio or on the TV

2.  Not changing the toilet paper roll when it is empty

3. An unmade bed

4. Chewing with your mouth open-it's gross folks

5. Not putting the twisty tie back on the bread

6. Leaving the bathroom rug on the floor instead of hanging it over the tub

7. Uneven spacing.  For example, our templates for charting at work are double spaced for the first half and single spaced on the bottom half and it drives me BANANAS!  Therefore, I go in and fix it every single time I write a note.

8. Disorganized note taking.  In high school and college all, all of my notes were color-coded and I do NOT doodle.

So, everyone should say a little prayer for what Aaron and my family have had to put up with!

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