Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blogtober Day 5

Five of your favorite blogs and why you love them.

This was the very first blog I started reading and I still read it.  I have all three of her cookbooks and I swear by her macaroni and cheese recipe.  Plus, it doesn't hurt that she's a fellow midwesterner :).

I can't remember when I first stumbled upon Sheaffer's blog, but I know I was hooked from the get go.  Her style is very similar to mine and I love almost all of the clothes/shoes/jewelry/handbags she blogs about.  The one downside to this blog-it's not good for my pocketbook.  That being said, if you watch for the items to go on sale, it's almost always worth it.  I've taken her advice on the leggings, must have shirt, jeans (similar here), and I've purchased cheaper versions of various other items.

My mom sent me the link to Shay's blog almost two years ago along with a link to her food blog.  If you haven't tried any of her recipes, you need to right now!  They are so simple, yet delicious.  I love her 52 Shades of Shay posts and her travel posts.  In fact, she put together our honeymoon for us!

I don't have a clue as to how or when I came across Bonnie's blog, but I have been going back to it ever since.  Her writing style and her sense of humor just reel me in!  Also, she has a really awesome book club and I'm always down for a good book :).

Jenni doesn't blog nearly as often since starting a photography business, but you should really go back through some of her old posts.  She also has brilliant writing skills and some very thought provoking posts.

There you have it!  I read other blogs as well, but these are my top five.  Here are a few of the others that I visit.

Two Peas and their Pod
Kevin and Amanda

Don't forget to share your favorite blogs!

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