Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blogtober Day 11

Who is the one celebrity you would like to meet and why?

This was a tough one!  There are so many people who I would classify as celebrities that I would like to meet including President Obama, the First Lady, J.K. Rowling and the Duchess of Cambridge.  However, I think the number one celebrity on my "to meet" list is Ellen DeGeneres.

I don't know when I first started watching Ellen, but I know I was hooked from the get go.  She has a fabulous sense of humor, can dance like nobody's business and her message at the end of each show speaks volumes about the type of person she is.  Here are a few of my favorite Ellen moments.

If you haven't seen the clip where she inserted herself into the Lincoln commercial with Matthew McConaughey, watch it now.

There was also the time she hosted the Oscars and it was hilarious!

In case you didn't know, she voiced the character of Dory in one of the cutest Disney/Pixar films ever, Finding Nemo.

The time she addressed her JCPenney critics.

I don't think there has been a moment on her show that made me say to myself, I'm not sure I'm going to watch this anymore.  So, if you haven't already, record or watch an episode of Ellen Degeneres.  I promise you won't be disappointed and that you are bound to laugh.
Be kind to one another!

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