Thursday, October 23, 2014

Blogtober Day 17

A video or article that inspired you

A few weeks ago, there was a news story circulating regarding a 29 year old woman who is choosing to end her life after being diagnosed with a glioblastoma. 

My third semester of nursing school, we were required to pick a topic, specifically a medical dilemma, and write an ethics paper on this topic.  The topic I chose was physician-assisted death (PAD).  Now no sane human being wants to write a 20 page research paper, but I truly enjoyed all of the research I did on this particular topic because I learned so much.

For the record, the stance I took was for PAD.  If you'd like to know my reasoning, I would be more than willing to share with you, but I'm not going to bore everyone with my views.  However, I would highly recommend that everyone watch the documentary How To Die in Oregon.  It is both heart-breaking and enlightening and will prompt some serious thinking about the topic.

Would I be able to make the decision this young woman did, I honestly do not know.  I can say that I don't think it's a cowardice decision and I will argue that to no end.  I believe this woman to be a brave individual who with the information she was given made the decision to not put herself or her family through the suffering she would endure dying naturally.

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