Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blogtober Day 1

Three random facts about yourself.
1.  I cry when I get really tired, other than that it's a rare occasion that tears come out of my eyes.  I've never been one to cry in front of other people and I don't like people to see me cry at all.  I didn't cry when we got engaged and I teared up on the day of our wedding only because I saw my mom crying.  But tears will start flowing if I'm really sleepy so if you see my eyes watering find me a bed immediately.

2. I collect quarters.  I have all of the state quarters from both the Philadelphia and the Denver mints and I'm working on the America the Beautiful quarters and the U.S. territory quarters.  The ones from the Denver mint are pretty easy to come by, but the Philadelphia ones are always harder since we are further away.

3. My application for the Navy was filled out and I nearly had all of my paperwork in and then I met Aaron.  I had every intention of becoming a Navy nurse with the hopes of working on a Mercy ship.  I even went aboard a Mercy ship when my mom, grandpa, and I were in San Diego for my cousin's wedding.  My mind was changed the day my now husband walked into my life and I knew we wouldn't be leaving the state of Kansas.  Working for veterans is the next best thing!

Check out this post to see what's next for Blogtober!

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