Friday, October 10, 2014

Blogtober Day 8

A memory

To keep things in the Halloween spirit, I'm going to share a Halloween memory with you.  In kindergarten, I wanted to be a witch.  For some reason or another, my school did not allow "violent" costumes and my mother was unsure if a watch fit into this category.  To be on the safe side, one or both us decided I should be Snow White at school and change into my witch costume for trick-or-treating.

I put on my costume and my mom did my make-up, complete with bright red rosy cheeks.  From what I recall, I was horribly embarrassed by the make-up on my cheeks and mid-morning, I faked sick and went to the school nurse who proceeded to call my mom to come pick me up.

My mother, knowing me all too well, knew I wasn't sick and punished me by making me stay home from trick-or-treating that night.  I don't remember being that upset about it at all, despite the fact that my sister was able to go out but I was not.

So there you have it, a good old Halloween memory.  Happy Friday!

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