Wednesday, December 31, 2014

For Auld Lang Syne

What a year 2014 has been!  I'll be sad to leave behind this year filled with wonderful (and not so wonderful) memories, but I am also excited for the new year to begin.  Here's a look at what my 2014 looked like!

We saw the king of country himself in concert!  This was one of Aaron's Christmas presents last year and it was such a good time.

We went to Kansas City to watch PBR.  This was also the month I started having some health problems which have since resolved-yay!
I received a call from a former professor asking if I would be interested in being a clinical adjunct for my alma mater.  I was beyond flattered and so excited! 

I turned the big 25!

My sister-in-laws threw me a fabulous bridal shower and I enrolled in a graduate statistics class.
I participated in the Alzheimer's walk with my momma and we bought a house!

We remodeled our house in a little over a month so we could move out of our duplex.  This was one of the most taxing and stressful months of my life with finishing up wedding details, packing, remodeling, and finishing up my graduate statistics class .
We got married!  It was such a beautiful day that I was always remember!
We went to Europe for our honeymoon and had the time of our lives!
My best friend got married!
We went to Arizona for Thanksgiving with my family and bought a car!
We went to Minnesota to visit family and celebrated our first Christmas as husband and wife in our new home.
It's been a wonderful year and I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store!

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