Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Choosing your anniversary trip destination 101

Before I share the greatest bit of advice you'll ever receive, you should check out my new "About" page by clicking above!

Moving on, we've been discussing where we should go for our one year anniversary trip since our honeymoon.  Each of us would toss an idea out there, but a decision was never made.  In my line of work, we have to apply for leave plenty of time in advance so I told Aaron on Thursday that we needed to make a decision.

I decided we would each choose two destinations, write them on a piece of paper, and then we would draw one out of a hat.  We had a few requirements:

1. It must have a MLB team
2. Stay on this continent
3. A state neither of us had been to before

With the above requirements and the narrowing down to two places per person, Nashville, Savannah, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Philadelphia, Yellowstone, Salt Lake City, and Maine became:

My choices-Seattle, Toronto

Aaron's choices-Seattle, Philadelphia

So, where are we going you ask!

...........................................................Drum Roll........................................................
Photo courtesy of Trip Advisor
We could not be more excited to begin planning this next adventure!

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