Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What I Will Miss and What I am Looking Forward to

As the end of this week nears, so does our time in our duplex.  Minus a few events (i.e. bug infestation, chilling temperatures, power outages, and not so friendly neighbors), it's been a good little home to us and it's kind of bittersweet to say goodbye to the first place we lived together.  Here are a few things I will miss the most about this home.

Closet space
We have a huge walk-in closet right now and we will be down-sizing to tiny closets.  This is not good for my obsession with clothing and shoes.  First-world problem I know.
The view out our back door
Right now our back door looks out at a corn field and I love it!  It has been so neat watching the corn grow all season.
Two bathrooms
We really didn't ever use the second bathroom, but in the future or in emergency situations it would be nice to have a second bathroom.

The dishwasher
Our new home does not have a dishwasher; something that I want to fix sooner rather than later.  I know I can wash the dishes, but the convenience of a dishwasher is so handy!

Bedroom size
Right now, our bedrooms are huge compared to what they will be.  I know we will adjust, but it will take some time

Now for the things I am looking forward to.

Our backyard
We have a wonderful backyard and I cannot wait to build a deck and be able to have barbecues and family get-togethers.

My kitchen
The new kitchen is significantly larger than our old kitchen and I love that I was able to make it my own!

Two-car garage
Our duplex has a single car garage which made storing items and parking in it rather difficult.  Our new garage is decent sized and will be perfect for both storage and parking.

A basement
We had a storm shelter at the duplex and now we have a full size unfinished basement that we hope to finish in the future.

Making our house our home
Owning a home allows you to make it your own and now that the painting is complete (HALLELUJAH!), we can start decorating and making the place ours.  I think this is what I am looking forward to the most!
Stay tuned for pictures within the next few weeks.  I'll need some time to rearrange and organize things to my liking.

1 comment:

  1. YOU go girl I am so proud of you and Aaron. You will be a wonderful couple., Now for the children lol bring them on we can't wait. love you girl. :)
