Thursday, July 17, 2014

Life Lately

I've been neglecting this little blog of mine the past few weeks and I promise I have a good excuse.  We have been busy!  This may be a bit of an understatement actually.  With my online class coming to a close, a presentation for work due next week, trying to get our house painted and ready to move in by the first of August and a wedding in 43 days our lives have been downright hectic!  Add in some much needed time spent with family for the holidays and our free time is non-existent.

Now I love to be busy and have things to get done, but this has put a whole new twist on my stress level and I find myself wondering what in the world did we get ourselves into.  I know it will all come together in the end, but at the moment I feel like I am running around with my head cut off.  Thank goodness for that fiance of mine (he's has done so much!) and our fabulous families for all of their help.

Here are some photos of what the past few weeks have looked like for us.

I cannot believe I didn't do a 4th of July post!  Anyways, we went up to Aaron's parent's house and spent time with the family and it was a blast.  They always do a fantastic fireworks show!

Later that week, we went to the zoo in Topeka.  The weather was beautiful and it was so much fun watching the kids' reaction to the animals and then watching them play in the park!

Other than that our time has been spent painting, painting, and then doing some more painting.  It's all coming together and I cannot wait to show you the pictures when everything is complete.  Our floors are being installed on the 28th and 29th which gives us exactly two days to be out of our current home and into our new one.  Yikes!
Sneak peek at our hallway and my red dining room wall!
Living room ceiling is complete!
More to come next week about the wonderful surprise bridal shower my co-workers threw for me and what I will miss the most about our current home.  Have a great weekend!

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