Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday

My exciting news for the week...drum roll please...I am going back to school!  Those of you who know me pretty well already knew this was a possibility, but now it's real!  I won't actually begin any sort of program until the fall of 2015, but I am taking a graduate statistics class online this summer (ugh!).  I have yet to decide if I am absolutely crazy taking on this class with our wedding coming up; I'm sure Aaron will let you know come August.

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Kansas and I spent most of it inside working on assignments for my online class.  I was off and when Aaron got home, I convinced him to head to Topeka for a Sam's run and simply to get out of the house.  It's not often that we go into town so I took it as an opportunity to wear something other than my usual scrubs or sweats.
Shirt from Loft found here, shorts from J. Crew Factory found here, earrings from Kate Spade found here, shoes not shown but found here

It was so nice to actually wear normal clothes!  

I linked up with The Pleated Poppy today for What I Wore Wednesday.  Happy hump day everyone!

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