Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Blessed, Grateful, and #88

Two weeks ago, I celebrated my 25th birthday and my family spoiled me rotten!  As I wrote in this post, we celebrated my birthday, along with my brother's and stepmom's, Easter weekend at my dad's house.  At that particular party, I received a humidifier, electric toothbrush, a kit to test my DNA, a Frozen coloring book (my sister knows how much I LOVE this movie), and Barnes and Noble gift cards.  The humidifier was seriously one of the best gifts ever!  I was suffering from a serious sinus infection and couldn't take Sudafed and the humidifier worked wonders!

On my actual birthday, Aaron and I went to my mom's house for my birthday dinner consisting of grilled chicken, fried potatoes, corn on the cob, homemade rolls and cheescake.  It was delicious!  Afterwards, I opened up my gifts and got a pair of white Converse , this cute journal with fun quotes by authors, and a book on the history of the Windsor family.

Earlier in the evening, Aaron had given me a picture of my gift and I was so excited!  I have wanted a bike for quite some time and this one is perfect!  It's my favorite color and old-fashioned!  I love it!  Plus, it means I can check off #88 on my 101 things in 1001 days list!

It was a wonderful birthday!  Now, I have a question for you all!  I received quite a few Barnes and Noble gift cards and need book suggestions so comment below.

What books should I buy?

1 comment:

  1. I'm currently reading Invention of Wings and it is really good. Also, if you haven't read Cuckoo's Calling then you must. It's the book JK Rowling wrote under a different pen name.
