Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Time for some big and exciting news!  Drumroll please.............................








WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! (#24 on my 101 things in 1001 days list)

Please excuse my attire-I dressed knowing I would be sweating my behind off scraping ceilings.

This has been in the works for quite some time, but I wanted to wait until we officially closed and the paperwork was all signed before I made the big announcement.  We are both very excited about this next step into the adult world and cannot wait to make this house our home.

There is a lot to get done on the inside, but it has good "bones" and we know we'll be able to make it ours fairly easily.  The first step in the renovation was scraping the ceilings.  I don't particularly enjoy popcorn ceilings, but I really don't like sparkly popcorn ceilings.  When we first looked at the house, I told Aaron those had to go and what better time to scrap than when the house is empty.  Thanks to the help of my mom, my dad, and my stepmom, we had all of the ceilings done in three hours time (hallelujah!).
One of the bedrooms after scraping.  Don't worry, we are not keeping the red carpet!
Our giant pile of popcorn ceiling remains.  My mom decided it looked like a huge pile of kitty litter.
The past two evenings were spent vacuuming up our mess and puttying up nail holes.  We still have a long way to go but it's a work in progress!  There will be plenty of updates to come.

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