Friday, April 4, 2014

5 on Friday

Today is a fabulous day for a couple of reasons:

  • It's Friday!
  • We are a few days in to my second favorite month which also happens to be my birthday month!
  • I have felt pretty good for three days in a row!
  • Every day that passes means we are that much closer to warmer weather!
I haven't done a Five on Friday post for a while, so I thought I would link up with The Good Life Blog and share five things that are making me happy right now.

1.  I've talked about these leggings before, but I just needed to share them with you again.  I first heard about them from Pinterest Told Me To and I thought I would give them a shot.  Boy am I ever glad that I listened to Sheaffer.  They are truly the best leggings in the world and I wear them every chance I get. Bonus-they are on sale at Nordstrom right now!  Click here to get yourself a pair!

2.  I am currently reading Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean and y'all this is an excellent read.  I am learning so much about the justice system and capital punishment.  I've heard the movie caused quite the stir when it was released and I can understand why.  The topic is very controversial.  Anyways, I recommend you give this book a shot.  Book review will probably be posted next week or the week after.

3. As I mentioned in my post on Wednesday, I had the opportunity to attend a training on dementia at work and it was so educational.  My passion is working with the geriatric population, especially those who are diagnosed with dementia and the information provided to us in this training was so helpful.  If you live in the northeast Kansas area, I encourage you to go to this website and register for the Walk to End Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is a form of dementia that affects countless individuals.  It's a wonderful cause, a great way to get exercise, and I will be there!

4.  I stayed at my mom and stepdad's a few nights this week because I had to be at work early in the morning after getting off at midnight.  This meant quality time with my puppy niece, Marley.  She is so cuddly and fun!

5.  Now for my exciting news.  Drumroll please.....I am an adjunct clinical instructor!  A month or so ago, I received a call from one of my former professors asking me if I would like to teach  clinicals for their first level class at a local nursing home.  I jumped on the opportunity!  Yesterday was my first day and I loved it! Teaching has always been another passion of mine (I forced my sisters to play school all the time) and I can definitely see myself being a nursing instructor.  This also means I can check off #18 on my 101 things in 1001 days list!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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