Thursday, April 17, 2014

Book Review: River, Cross My Heart

"With these coming children we never relinquish the past.  We keep seeing somebody gone in each new one."
-Breena Clarke
River, Cross My Heart by Breena Clarke has been on my bookshelf for quite some time now.  I went through a phase where I picked up any Oprah's Book Club book I saw at a garage sale and this happened to be one of them.  Anyways, I thought it would be a good book to add to my 2014 Reading List and boy was I disappointed.
This book had absolutely no plot.  It took everything in my power just to finish the darn thing and I have no idea what the point of the novel was.  Usually Oprah doesn't steer me wrong, but this time I was thrown completely off.  Never have I ever read a novel where I truly had no idea what was going on.  The reviews I have read have been mixed with some reviewers really enjoying this read, while others really disliked the novel.  My recommendation would be not to waste your time.

Next up on my list is I am Malala.  I have had it on hold at the local library since early February and finally got my hands on it this last weekend.  It was the February book for Bon's Book Club so I am a slightly behind, but ready to read it.

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