Monday, December 22, 2014

#4, #7, #86, #98

It's been a while since I've updated you on my progress with my 101 things in 1001 days list, so I thought I would write a post encompassing all of the things I have checked off recently!

#4-Buy my first car

We finally bit the bullet and bought a new car for yours truly!  I've had my 1995 Honda Accord since I started driving at the age of 15.  Ten years people!  It was time to say goodbye (sort of-we still have the Honda just as an extra vehicle) and get something safer and more up to date since I drive a fair share on a daily basis.  I am now the proud driver of a Subaru Forester!

#7-Add at least three more states to the places I have been

You can read all about our trip to Arizona over Thanksgiving here and the first weekend of this month, we traveled to Minnesota to visit family.  One more state to go until #7 is complete!

#86-Send out Christmas cards

Our Christmas cards were done and in the mail the first week of this month!

#98-Take a picture in a sunflower field

We actually took a few pictures in the sunflower field for our wedding.  Here are a few!

You can follow along with my progress by clicking here to see the page!

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