Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thanksgiving Getaway

The last few weeks have consisted of four plane rides, going from 80 degree weather to 20 degree weather, lots of time spent with family, and a case of strep throat (wasn't the tonsillectomy I had at the age of 5 supposed to help with that!).  Needless to say, we have been busy!  Five loads of laundry later, we are starting to get back into our normal groove.

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we flew to Mesa, Arizona to spend the holiday with Ryan's family.  We stayed in a beautiful house, went on walks and hikes, visited the zoo, saw beautiful Christmas lights, went to a Broadway production of White Christmas, and went to a Phoenix Suns game.  It was a wonderful getaway and my first time being away from home over a holiday.  While it was very strange to be wearing shorts over Thanksgiving, I could definitely do it again!

Here are some pictures from our trip.
The view from our rooftop balcony.
The backyard of the home we stayed in.  It had a pool, spa, and putting green.
Overlooking Canyon Lake on our way to Tortilla Flats.
The whole family. 
My sister exploring at Canyon Lake.

The Christmas lights at the Mesa Temple.
Looking up at the mountain we were getting ready to hike up in Usery Mountain Regional Park.

Our hiking group.

The bee hive at the top of the hike.
The view from the Wind Cave at the top.

Stay tuned for details from our most recent trip and another installment of our wedding day!

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