Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Honeymoon Days 7&8

To read about days 1&2 click here, days 3&4 click here, and days 5&6 click here.

We got into Vienna late on day six and opted to stay in for the evening and relax.  The eight mile bike ride earlier in the day and the three hour car ride really took it out of us.  The next morning we woke up ready to and headed to old town.  Our first stop was St. Stephen's Cathedral.  It was hands down the most beautiful church we saw on our trip.  The pictures I took don't do it justice and it was hard to get a good photo of the outside because it was being repaired.

Our next stop for the day was Schonbrunn Palace, which is said to be the only palace in Europe to rival Versailles.  The grounds were extraordinary.  While touring the inside, the only thought going through my mind was why any single family needed or wanted that much space!

We explored the gardens and the Gloriette before heading back to old town for a bite to eat.  We walked around a bit more before retiring to the hotel for the evening.
The side gardens.
The back gardens and the Gloriette up on top the hill.
A closer view of the Gloriette.

Our view of Vienna from atop the Gloriette.

Our last day was spent visiting Prater Park and the oldest ferris wheel, walking around Hofburg Palace, and looking at art in the Kunsthistorisches  Museum.
Ferris wheel at Prater Park.
Hofburg Palace.

We ate our last meal at a little restaurant near our hotel, picked up some macaroons for family and friends, and spent the rest of the evening packing and preparing for our early morning and 10.5 hour plane ride.

It was a fabulous adventure to share together as we begin our married life.  I'm sure we have many more ahead of us!

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