Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bring on the New Year!

"For last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice."
-T.S. Eliot

I cannot believe how fast 2013 went by and that 2014 begins tomorrow!  Here is a quick recap of everything that happened this year.

January- I went on a cruise to the Bahamas and Key West with four of my best friends from nursing school.  We went through so much together with school and this break was definitely needed!

February- Celebrated Valentine's day with the love of my life!

March- March Madness gave every KU basketball fan high blood pressure and ended with a loss to Michigan :(
This is a horrible photo that I took senior year at one of the basketball games and it really does not do Allen Fieldhouse justice.  It is an amazing place to be!

April- Celebrated my 24th birthday, began my Capstone on the medical ICU at Stormont-Vail, and went to a Royals game.

May- Passed boards to get my nursing license and graduated from nursing school-whoop whoop!
I decorated my cap.  Peace. Love. Nursing.

He was so supportive of me even when I was near a breaking point.

My wonderful parents.

June- Wedding season began with Karalie's wedding which had a vintage feel and was beyond beautiful!  Also, I went to a geriatric nursing conference in St. Louis.

July- Independence day was celebrated with a bang at my future in-law's house, I started my job as a Registered Nurse on a geriatric behavioral health unit, we had a wedding every weekend beginning with Chelsea's (it was a blast!), and I finally saw my all time favorite band, the Goo Goo Dolls, in concert.

August- We got engaged and began planning our wedding and took a trip up to Omaha, Nebraska!!
Please excuse my unpolished nails.

September- Our beyond fabulous friends Ashley and Kevin got hitched and we were so happy to be a part of their big day!

October- My favorite month came and went, but not without a trip to the corn maze, a few football games, the fall festivals, my best friend got engaged, and I moved away from home officially!
On the bridge in the middle of the corn maze.
Two of the greatest friends a gal could have! (The one in the middle got engaged in October!)

November-More football games (where I froze my butt off!) and so much to be thankful for this year!

December- Our, what seems to be becoming annual, trip to Kansas City, holidays with the family, and the end of a fabulous year!
Our trip to the Boulevard Brewing Company.

The new year has a lot to live up to and we have so much to look forward to with our upcoming wedding and honeymoon!  I leave you with one of my favorite songs which is traditional for the new year.

Tomorrow I will post my goals for the new year (I've never been much of a resolution gal)!  Have a happy and safe new year!

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