Tuesday, December 24, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Christmas Eve

"As long as there's Christmas, I truly believe that hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll receive.  As long as there's Christmas we'll all be just fine.  A star shines above us lighting your way and mine."
-Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas

Merry Christmas Eve to each and every one of you!  I have today off and I am spending it in my snowflake pajamas and reindeer socks.  My lights on the tree are on and Meet Me in St. Louis is playing on my television and the only that could make it better is if Aaron had today off.  Later today, I plan on finishing up wrapping a few presents and trying to put away the presents we received this weekend, but for the time being I am relaxing and enjoying the season.

This evening we will be heading north to go to the Christmas Eve service at church and then having snacks at Aaron's parents house.  I really do love all the family get togethers this time of year!

Tomorrow we will have our first Christmas together in our house and then head up north again before I go in to work.  One more sleep until Christmas and I cannot wait!

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