Wednesday, December 11, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Favorite Gift Received and Given

"Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more."
-Dr. Seuss

I failed.  I promise I had every intention of doing a post every day until Christmas, but sometimes life throws you curve balls.  On a different note, ladies and gentlemen I feel like a new woman.  I'm not sure I could even begin to describe how horrible I have felt for the past few days (let's just say I hadn't felt this bad since I had the swine of '09 folks), but man oh man do I feel better now!  So, to make up for lost time, I have decided to do a two in one post with a little bit extra thrown in at the end.

Now I know Christmas is about more than presents and material things, but one part of I love about the holiday is giving presents.  Having four younger siblings, two sets of parents, and may wonderful friends, I have given my fair share of gifts over the years.  Here are just a few of the gifts that I enjoyed giving the most.

1. Desk Calendar- Last year, I made a desk calendar on Shutterfly.  I thought it was a great personalized gift!

2. Blankets- I think I have made a grand total of three fleece blankets (where you cut the edges into strips and tie them together) for my youngest brother over the years.  He just keeps growing!  I think he is at least six feet tall now (if not taller) so thankfully the last blanket I made is long enough and should cover him forever!  I think Luke drags this thing throughout my parent's entire house to stay cozy.

3. Holiday Decor- Last year, my mom and I were shopping at The Hub in Topeka and saw these silver Christmas trees that were different heights that we just loved.  Well, I just happened to draw her name for our extended family's Christmas, so I decided to get those for her.  I knew it would be a surprise and was so excited to give them.  Little did I know that she had bought the same exact thing for me.  Great minds think alike!  It's such a fun holiday story to share.

There are also a few gifts that stand out in my mind as gifts I was both very surprised and ecstatic about.

1. A knob for my car- If you are or have been in college, you will understand exactly where I am coming from here.  My junior or senior year at KU, the knob that turned my air conditioner or heater on in my car broke. The only solution I could come up with was to keep a set of pliers in my car and use those to turn it on and off (classy, I know).  Little did I know they were not that expensive to replace (most things involving a vehicle are!).  Come Christmas, we open our stockings at my dad's and low and behold he has ordered me a knob.  Goodbye pliers!

2. Unicorn Beanie Baby- Now, thinking back, I actually got this from the Easter bunny but oh well.  I think I was in 2nd grade and I remember my mom telling me how atrocious the unicorn Beanie Baby was and there was no way in you know what she was going to buy it for me.  I was a very sad seven year old.  Waking up and seeing that unicorn in my Easter basket settled the long debate about whether the Easter bunny was real.  He/she had to be as my mom had specifically said she would not buy it for me.
I will never be able to explain to you why seven year old me wanted this so badly.  It had to be the shiny horn.

3. American Girl Doll-I got Samantha when I was younger and she is boxed up and ready to give to my future daughter.  I loved dressing her up and playing with her.  Sadly, they no longer make Samantha, but there are tons of other dolls to choose from.

Those are just a few of the gifts that stick out in my mind.  Hope your week is off to a great start!

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