Thursday, December 12, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Adopt-a-Family

"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone."
-Charles M. Schulz

As I said yesterday, I love giving Christmas gifts and I believe there is nothing more rewarding than giving gifts to those in need.  Over the years I have been involved in many groups who have chosen to do Adopt-a-Family.  

In junior high, my gifted class would adopt a family and each of us would bring in gifts.  We would then take a field trip to deliver those gifts.  Most recently, I was a member of the Student Senate at Baker University School of Nursing and we would adopt a family each year as well.  Since I didn't use to have any young kids to shop for (now I can shop for my future nieces and nephews :D), I would love to go shopping for the children.  We would then deliver the gifts as a group and one time the sweet family made us cards and peanut brittle.  The experience really just warms your heart.

With my dad's family we have done something slightly less conventional a few times.  For example, last year we got word of a family that needed a little something extra to brighten their holidays.  My extended family got together and got everything from cleaning supplies, toys, clothes, shoes, food, movies, etc. and loaded up a trailer and three or four vehicles and headed to their house.  One person was sent up to the front door and then the rest of us (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, brothers, sisters, parents) one by one took the presents into their living room.  The look on their faces and the sincerest "thank you" I've ever heard was enough to bring tears to anyones eyes.  This family's Christmas was truly made.

So, if your family hasn't decided what to do, consider visiting this website to adopt a family in Topeka, KS or leave a little something extra for someone you know could use a helping hand this holiday season.  We are all down on our luck at some point in time and even the smallest of kind acts can bring the biggest smile to someone's face.  Practice the act of giving. 

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