Thursday, December 26, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: 12 Days of Christmas Gifts

This year for Aaron's gifts, I decided to do a little something different.  I had seen a few ideas on Pinterest and various other places on the internet about doing 12 Days of Christmas gifts and decided it sounded fun. I sat down to make my list of items to purchase and then began shopping!

You can do the gifts however you choose, but I tried to stick with the number theme.  Below are the gifts I got him.  Some of them are smaller and some of them are bigger gifts.

12 Days of Christmas

12. A new alarm clock (Aaron's broke about a month ago) with the 12 hours represented.
11. A CD with eleven songs on it that remind me of him
10. Ten packages of cashews
9. Nine K-cups for the Keurig
8. Six pairs of boxers and two undershirts
7. Seven of his favorite candy bars (Snickers)
6. A six pack of beer
5. Five dollar gift card to a restaurant he frequents regularly for lunch
4. Two pairs of socks adding up to four total
3. Three packs of chewing gum
2. Two tickets to the George Strait concert in January
1. A new wallet
Here are all twelve presents wrapped and ready to go under our tree!

As you can see, most of the gifts are smaller and could fit into a stocking, but I thought the idea was a fun one and it makes for more presents to open up.  I saved the two biggest gifts for the smaller numbers.  It was a fun way to do the presents this year.  Ideally, he would have opened one each night leading up to Christmas, but since we don't see each other except on our days off this didn't quite work out.  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

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