Friday, December 27, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: 364 Days until Christmas

The day after Christmas has always been somewhat bittersweet to me.  There is music, decorations, food, family gatherings and so much more building up to the holidays and then, all of a sudden, it's over.  We are left with putting away gifts (that we are beyond thankful for), eating leftovers before they go bad, taking down the decorations that make a house seem so warm and inviting at Christmas time, and going back to work.

Well, our gifts are mostly put away and there are still a few leftovers in our fridge.  I took an AMAZING fruit salad to work on Christmas and it's been hit pretty hard since I brought it home.  I have been back at work since Christmas evening and Aaron went back to work yesterday.  The only thing the same in our house is that our decorations are still up, but this is mainly due to the fact that I don't know how we're going to store everything.

We had an excellent Christmas this year and I have a few pictures to share with you from our own little Christmas celebration we had on Christmas morning.
Here we are after we got home from church and Aaron's parent's on Christmas Eve around 12:30 (that's why we both look a little sleepy).

I got Christmas socks in my stocking!!

The purse I had posted about here.  I absolutely love it!

My new Kate Spade bracelet!

I just love this progression of photos.  This is Aaron opening up the package with his George Strait concert tickets.

"Are you serious?!"

He was very excited!! (Also, he often has a hard time keeping his eyes open in photos)

Hope your holiday was merry and bright!  364 days until Christmas 2014 and I'm sure it will be just as wonderful!

P.S.-I am aware that I only did 23 posts instead of 25, but I really don't have much else to say and it's almost New Year's so let's just pretend there were 25 posts total okay!

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