Friday, December 20, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Christmas Decorations

Can you believe there are only five days until Christmas?!  I sure can't.  We are going to my dad and stepmom's tomorrow afternoon to celebrate Christmas there and then having Christmas with my mom and stepdad later on in the evening.  It's going to be a busy Saturday and I am really hoping this snow holds off for our travels.

Before I get started showing you my Christmas decorations in our lovely abode, I have a few things I think you should read.  First off, if you recall way back in September I posted a book review about one of the books I read for a book club that a fellow blogger puts on.  Well, it just so happens she just put together the list of books for the 2014 book club and you can find it here.  I'm so excited to read all of these!  Secondly, one of my close friends also has a blog and she posted about her Christmas decor earlier this month and it's adorable so you should check it out here.  Last of all, I met one of my best friends from college in Lawrence yesterday for lunch and ate at one of my favorite restaurants Fuzzy's Taco Shop!  I seriously love their food and the atmosphere is awesome.  You should check it out if you haven't yet.  Lawrence has the best restaurants hands down and I miss living in that town so much.

Alrighty, here we go!  We really don't have any wall art or decorations on our walls yet here because I've been too busy with the holidays, working, and everything else we've had going on.  I'm hoping once the holidays are over, I can begin working on our interior decorating.  In the meantime, here are our Christmas decorations!
One of our end tables with the stocking my mom made me when I was babe and a two Christmas Beanie Babies.  The snowman came from the Maple Leaf Festival last year and the Christmas tree is from The Hub.

The centerpiece on our dining room table.  A friend of mine made the candles for me last year and the plate was a gift from my future in-laws and came from Nell Hills.

Our collection of snow globes (which I love!).

This one plays my favorite song "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." 
This Advent calendar is Aaron's that his parents got him from Germany.

I love the little window decals you can get now!

Our tree is a little sparse in terms of decorations, but I promise there are ornaments on there!  Thanks to my dad's co-worker for the tree!

This is one my favorite ornaments on the tree!

Of course we have a little rivalry here.  The candle was another DIY gift from a friend.

Aaron's Santa collection.  I've been told this is only part of it!

Next year, we will have so much more as Christmas is my favorite holiday!


  1. Love that list of books, your decorations, and Fuzzy's too :)

  2. Thanks for the shout-out dear! The decorations look great, so cozy!
