Monday, December 9, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Tales of Falling Trees

Let's begin 10-12 years ago in a house that my parent's no longer own.  In this house, my mother decorated two Christmas trees, one in the basement and one in the upstairs living room.  The upstairs tree was where Santa left our gifts and downstairs was where the presents from family could be found.  I do not recall exactly how this occurred, but my guess is I was looking at an ornament or just admiring the Christmas tree when suddenly it fell on top of me (I was in no way snooping at the gifts-I am a strict no presents before Christmas kind of gal).  I'm talking, I'm on the ground trapped by a Christmas tree which is covered in ornaments, garland, and lights.  Somehow or another I managed to free myself, but it is a moment I will not soon forget.

Fast forward to today and what do you think happens?  If you guessed I had another Christmas tree fall on me, you are the winner!  On Thursday evening, my dad and stepmom delivered a tree that one of my dad's coworkers so graciously gave to Aaron and I.  It wasn't centered on the wall which was driving this girl (I have OCD tendencies) crazy!  So, I took it upon myself to move the tree.  Keep in mind, I am still not particularly feeling well.  In fact, I retract my statement about antibiotics in this post.  These particular antibiotics are knocking me on my behind.  We are talking nausea, no energy, and muscle aches (my apologies if that was too much information).  Anyways, I grabbed the tree stand and began to move the tree.  Now, our tree stand is the kind that folds together for easy storage.  Obviously, I did not think ahead and the tree stand folded together sending the tree toppling down on me and falling apart in the process.  Our living room is now covered in fake snow from the tree and I am without a vacuum.

Now, I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain I am probably one of very few people who have had Christmas trees fall on them not once, but twice!  Thankfully no ornaments were involved this time and I had a bit more padding to cushion my tumble.   If any of you have ever had a tree fall on you, please share so I don't feel alone!  Thanks and happy Monday!
Here is the first tree that fell on me but in my parent's new house.  I realize it doesn't look too big but I swear to you that makes it no less traumatizing!

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