Sunday, December 22, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Wrapping Presents

Whew!  Three Christmases later, our weekend celebrations are complete.  We started off Saturday with Christmas at my dad and stepmom's complete with my two little sisters and younger brother, my parent's dog Blaze, and plenty of snacks.  It was quite the celebration.  Then, after scraping a thick layer of ice off the car (thanks Kansas weather), we made our way to my mom and stepdad's for some homemade lasagna, presents, and watching The Polar Express.  We decided to stay in Topeka last night due to the weather and are very thankful we did.  The roads were fine this morning, but I highly doubt the same could have been said last night.  Today we made our way up north for Aaron's dad's family Christmas and now we are back in our cozy home with our new Power Heater watching The Sound of Music.  Tomorrow I'll share a little bit about the gifts we received and a few of the gifts I gave this year, but today is all about Christmas wrapping!

I love wrapping gifts and always have.  I'm by no means a pro and I'm not always very creative, but I do like to have a theme.  This year, I went with a red and green theme.  For Aaron's gifts, I went with brown paper and this cute red and green chevron tissue paper from Hobby Lobby.  For my family's gifts I went with different red and green wrapping papers.  I think themes are fun, plus it's easier to distinguish whose presents are whose.  Below are the final products.
The Christmas tree wrapping paper is on the gifts for Aaron's side of the family and the striped paper is for the gifts on my side.

Here are Aaron's gifts (I'll have a post on why there are so many later).  I wrapped some of the presents in the tissue paper just to mix it up a bit.

I can't wait for the rest of the presents under our tree to be opened!  Here are a few pictures from this weekend as well.  Three days until Christmas everyone!
My two little sisters enjoying opening presents at my dad's.

It doesn't get much better than a warm fire, Christmas lights, and watching The Polar Express with your family on a cold winter's night.

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