Sunday, December 15, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Holiday Parties

Last evening, Aaron and I made our way up to Pawnee City, Nebraska for his work holiday party at Schilling Bridge Winery.  Neither one of us knew what to expect, but we had a fabulous time.  Evidently, the winery holds Murder Mystery dinner parties a few times a year and it just so happened that one was going on last night!

The name of the murder mystery from last night was "It's a Wonderful Knife" and was based on the film It's a Wonderful Life.  I thought it was so neat how they got members of the audience involved with small parts in the show.  After the first act was complete, we were served a delicious dinner of salad, ham, dressing, green beans, a roll, and dessert.  Almost all of the items on the menu for the evening were made using some of the winery's wine or beer that they brew themselves.  The food was very good!

Act two began after dinner and then we were all asked to write on a small card who we thought the murderer was.  Despite the clues, neither one of us were right but we still had a great time and I would recommend it to anyone.  It was such a unique experience.  The name of the company that provided the entertainment was Without a Net and they do shows just about anywhere!

Holiday parties are so much fun!  Last year, my friends from nursing school all got together and made a feast, exchanged gifts, and then played a round of Catch Phrase.  It was a jolly good time!  I love holiday parties and I wish we had time to attend more this year, but our schedules have just been so busy.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for next year though!

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