Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

The new year is here!  I am so excited to see what 2014 has in store for us!  Now, I know the new year is typically about resolutions, but I'm not very good with those.  Instead, I opted to make a list of goals for the new year.  I also have a list of books to read this year, but more on that tomorrow.  Here are my goals for the new year!

Goals for 2014:

  • Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it (I feel like I do better if I know that Wednesday is laundry day, Thursday is ironing, etc.)
  • Exercise (maybe run my first 5K)
  • Eat healthier (more fruits, veggies, etc.)
  • Read all 25 books on my list (preview of that tomorrow)
  • Make our house feel more homey
  • Volunteer more (I'm not sure where--if you have suggestions let me know!)
  • Have a date night at least once a month and try something new
  • Go to church more often
What are your goals for 2014?

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