Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone!  We are gearing up for the weekend here in Kansas and ready for temperatures in the 50s and 60s.  Tomorrow we will venture to Topeka to celebrate my dad and my youngest sister's birthdays.  We will then make our way to KC for the George Strait concert and I am so excited.  Be ready for a post on that next week sometime.  Today, I have decided to share five things that I am loving right now with you, but first I have to do a blurb about the upcoming Academy Awards.

There are few things I love more than the Oscars.  Okay, so there might be more than a few, but I love awards season and the Oscars are the creme de la creme of awards shows.  Plus, Ellen DeGeneres is hosting this year so it should be epic!  Here are the nominations for this year and there are some great films and actors nominated.  I cannot wait!

Alright, here are five things that are favorites right now.

1. Hue Leggings- I didn't get any for Christmas, but I bit the bullet and did what Pinterest Told Me To and gave myself a Christmas present and I don't regret my decision one bit.  They are so comfortable and the ultra-wide waist band is fabulous.  I think I have been lounging around in these for the past four days (I should probably wash them).  Also, they are totally opaque.  I even did the bend over and check test.  They go on sale sometimes so keep your eyes on them to get the best bargain!

2. Orange is the New Black- I watched the first episode on Netflix after seeing Taylor Schilling was nominated for a Golden Globe for best actress and I am hooked.  I think the portrayal of prison life is very interesting.  Also, it's based on a memoir written by Piper Kerman.  Another book to add to my list!

3. This post- It's been circulating on Facebook and it is very well written.  I did my Capstone (essentially an internship before I graduated from nursing school) on a medical intensive care unit and there were many heart breaking moments.  In my short five years working in the nursing field both as a tech and as a registered nurse, I cannot count on two hands the number of patients that have died.  As nurses, we have to find ways to process our feelings.  There have been numerous times that I have almost broke down in tears at work because a situation reminds me of a family member or because a family member of a patient says something that truly makes my heart hurt for them.  Nursing can be hard both physically and emotionally, but the joy overrides the pain every single day.

4. This song- Seriously, the lyrics, the music, everything about this song is a masterpiece.  I first heard of A Great Big World when Glee did a cover of their song This is the New Year.  If you haven't listened to it, you need to.

5. Sisters-Gosh we drive each other crazy!  But I seriously could not ask for two funnier younger sisters.  Although we disagree about almost everything they never fail to make me laugh.  My youngest sister celebrates her 20th birthday on Monday and it makes me feel old.
My two younger sisters at prom almost three years ago.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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