Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

You guessed it!  It's time for another alliteration!  I just can't help myself and "Top Ten Tuesday" has quite the ring to it.  I thought about "Top Ten Thursday" and it just didn't sound right.  This won't be something I do every Tuesday because, frankly, I'm not certain I could come up with that many topics.  It will however pop up every once in a while on this ole blog.

Today's top ten is my top ten favorite (drum roll please) Disney movies!  If you know me well enough you should have seen this one coming.  I own 40 Disney DVDs (I just counted).  In all honesty, it is slightly ridiculous but I don't mind and you can bet your bottom dollar I will own Frozen as soon as it comes out!  So, without further ado, here are my top ten Disney movies.

Top Ten Disney Movies:

10. Babes in Toyland-I can remember watching this gem starring Annette Funicello over and over as a child.  My dad had taped it on a VHS tape and it was accidentally taped over one time and I was heartbroken.  Thankfully, years later, I came across it on DVD and I am now the proud owner!  

9. The Great Mouse Detective-This is another film I remember watching all the time when I was a youngster.  Watching it now, it's kind of creepy, but I still love it.  Also, just FYI, every single time I watched a K-State basketball game when Frank Martin was the coach he reminded me of Ratigan!

8. Enchanted- I truly adore this film.  It came out when I was in college and I fell in love with it the first time I saw it.  First of all, Patrick Dempsey (swoon!) and Amy Adams are spectacular and second of all, I loved how they made a movie about characters falling out of an animated world.

7. Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)- This was another VHS tape that I wore the heck out of as a kid.  I even used to pretend I could move things with my mind like Tia.  Excellent movie!

6. Peter Pan- A Disney classic.  I can't put my finger on it, but there is just something about this movie that makes me want to watch it every second I get.  It's superb!

5. Finding Nemo- Pixar and Disney came together to make a masterpiece here folks.  It's hilarious, it stars the voice of Ellen DeGeneres, and the story is so heart-warming.  I am beyond excited for the sequel to come out!

4. The Little Mermaid- This actually happens to be one of my little sister's favorite Disney movies, but it makes my top ten too.  I love the songs and, despite the fact that he is an animated character, Prince Eric is not half bad.

3. Tangled- When this movie first came out, I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it.  Then, my little brother of all people convinced me and I couldn't stop watching it.  Again, the songs are excellent and I just think Paschal is the greatest little chameleon ever.  I couldn't stop laughing!

2. Frozen- I talked about how much I loved this movie before here and I told you it would surpass Tangled. If you haven't seen it yet, you really need to.  I still have all of the songs stuck in my head and I don't think they will ever get old.  Plus, Sven and Olaf are the best little elk and snowman ever!

1. Beauty and the Beast- Has always been and will always be my all-time favorite Disney movie.  I want to be Belle and if I could give up nursing, move to Florida, and be Belle at Disney World I totally would. Everything about this movie is spectacular!

Runner-ups: Tuck Everlasting, Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, The Rescuers, The Little Mermaid II, Toy Story, Up

Now I want to watch all of these but, alas, I am a grown-up now and I have to go to work.  If you haven't seen any of them I encourage you all to watch, regardless of your age!

What is your favorite Disney movie?

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