Monday, December 16, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Christmas Goodies

Before I delve into the tales of the fabulous baking that went down at my mom's house on Saturday, I have a little something else to share with you.  My youngest sister and I went to see Frozen today and I loved it!  It may have taken Tangled's spot in my top five favorite Disney movies.  It was so so good!  I have been listening to one of the songs from it non-stop since I got home and I probably will continue to listen to it for the next few weeks!  Ahhh you need to see it right now or at least watch the clip below.  This movie will be in my possession the day it comes out on DVD.

I digress.  Anyways, on Saturday my aunt, mom, Julie (my aunt and uncle's wonderful foreign exchange student from Denmark), and I got together and spent a day baking all sorts of wonderful Christmas goodies.  I think in total we had 13 different goodies for everyone to enjoy.  Midway through our baking day we took a break to eat some lunch.  My mom and I split an order of Chicken Chow Mein from this Cryster Asian Diner (YUM!).  After our break and all of the baking was finished, we began making our goodie trays to hand out to family, friends, and co-workers.
Here is the table full of half of the goodies!

It's always so much fun to get together and do all this baking and we had a wonderful time this year.  We turned the Christmas music on and managed to destroy the kitchen and cover ourselves in flour but we had a blast doing it!  Below is a list of all of the goodies we made and a few pictures.  Let me know if you want any recipes!
All of the goodies plated up and ready to be delivered!


  • Sugar cookies
  • Mini cherry cheesecakes
  • Mint fudge
  • Billionaire bars
  • Haystacks
  • Salted chocolate, caramel, pretzel bark (aka crack)
  • Peanut clusters
  • Peanut butter, oatmeal, and toffee cookies
  • Snowman poop
  • Chocolate covered pretzels
  • Salted caramel butter bars
  • Cherry mash
  • Peanut butter balls

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