Friday, December 13, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Christmas Traditions

Everyone has their own traditions around the holidays.  Some traditions continue for years and years to come and some come to an end for certain reasons or no reasons at all. Traditions are something to look forward to and a way to create wonderful memories.  Here are a few traditions that my family has had in the past, present, and ones I hope to have in the future.  There are also a few traditions thrown in from Aaron's family that I happen to love.

Singing Christmas Carols
I mentioned in this post how my grandma used to pass out these little carol books when we celebrated Christmas at my grandparents and our whole family would sing carols while she played the piano.  I really loved this tradition because I love Christmas music and I knew how much it meant to my grandma.  It also helped that my cousins were far more musically talented than myself so they could drown out my voice.

Calls from Santa
When I was much much younger, Santa would call our house and talk to my sister and I.  He would ask what we wanted for Christmas and whether we had been good and it was just always so exciting to have Santa actually call me!  Little did I know it was my dad's friend on the other end of the line.

Baking Christmas Goodies
Each year (we have skipped a few here and there) my mom would bake a bunch of goodies to put on trays and give out to family and friends.  I love sweets and baked goods, but I also love helping.  Tomorrow we will be doing our baking for this year so expect a post on that next week.
Some cookies we made last year.

Watching The Polar Express
When the movie came out, my whole family loved it, so we began watching it every year on Christmas eve (or when we were all home).  A little popcorn, hot chocolate and a move is the perfect family night in.
Opening Presents Together
I realize this sounds kind of silly.  Who doesn't open presents together?!  However, when your parents are divorced and remarried and you have four brothers and sisters with only one still in high school, it's hard to get everyone home at the same time.  This time together as a family is so special and I love seeing the look on my family's faces when they open presents they love!

Saint Nicholas Day
Aaron and I recently came into possession of a Santa figurine for each year he has been alive.  His family has the tradition that each year on Saint Nicholas Day (it was December 6th this year) each child received a Santa figurine.  I love this idea!  It's so fun and what a great way to start a collection of holiday decor for your kids.  Definitely something I want to continue for our future family.

I never had one and I don't currently have one, but I have seen so many neat things on Pinterest and other blogs that parents have done with their Elf and it looks like so much fun! What a great way to make kids even more excited for Christmas!

What are your holiday traditions? I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend!

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