Friday, January 31, 2014

5 on Friday

I'm participating in a link-up today, but first how can it be the last day of January already!?  I feel as if this month has flown right by, especially now that we're down to seven months until our big day.  It is absolutely crazy!

Also, it's snowing here in Kansas and I do not like it.  I guess I had it in my head that winter was over and I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of spring.  Well, I got my hopes up only to have them dashed.  What's a girl to do?

Anyways, I am linking up with The Good Life Blog today for 5 on Friday, so here it goes!

1. On Wednesday, Aaron and I ventured to Topeka to run a few errands and decided to have dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Cracker Barrel.  As we were walking in, I told Aaron we would probably be the youngest people there (it's a running joke between us-we are two old souls).  Anyways, we both had to use the facilities (I apologize if this is too much info but it's part of my story so go with it) and as I came out of the bathroom I saw this blonde kid at the hostess station and he looked just like my sister's boyfriend.  Then I saw my sister!  So, I went up behind her and tickled her side and she turned around with a face like "what is going on?!".  Turns out Aaron and I weren't the youngest people there after all!  Also, it turns out Rachel and I are more alike than we like to let on.

2. I tried this White Chicken Enchilada Casserole recipe on Monday and it was delicious.  In fact, it was gone by Tuesday evening.  I substituted cream of mushroom soup for the cream of chicken soup and it was pretty tasty!

3. We have a honeymoon itinerary!  Our travel agent, the lovely Shay Shull from Mix and Match Travel, sent us our itinerary on Wednesday and we put our deposit down yesterday.  I am so excited for this first adventure we will embark on as a married couple!  Germany and Austria here we come!

4. Have y'all heard of Passenger?  He's a British folk singer and I have fallen in love with this man's voice. His single Let Her Go is ranked #4 on iTunes right now and it is excellent, but the rest of his album, All the Little Lights, is great too.

5. The trailer for The Fault in Our Stars was released yesterday and man oh man I cannot wait to see this movie.  The book had me choking up multiple times and I'm sure I will be doing my best to hold back tears in the theater (I refuse to cry in front of anyone).  If you haven't read the book, you should.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!