Monday, February 3, 2014

Never-ending Winter

Snow. Snow. Snow.  The news channels in my neck of the woods are calling for anywhere from 6-12 inches of snow between tonight and tomorrow, which means I am preparing for snowpocalypse 2014.  I won't say I hate snow, but I have a strong dislike for snow, especially when I have to drive in it.  Don't get me wrong, there is something magical about snowflakes falling from the sky and I love a white Christmas as much as the next person, but if it in any way, shape, or form affects my travel, I'm a mess.  I can't even begin to tell you how ready for spring I am.

Now, for a weekend update.  Saturday morning we made our way north to run a few errands for the wedding (update on Wednesday) and so Aaron could get some work done on the farm.  Well, since it snowed Friday, he wasn't able to do a whole lot but he did get to move some snow.  We then made our way south to Topeka for a mini date night.  For dinner we ate at LaRocca's Pizza.  If you haven't eaten there before, you must!  I highly recommend their pizza, the garlic rolls and the house salad.  After dinner, we decided to go see American Hustle.  I loved David O. Russell's work on Silver Linings Playbook so I was so excited to see this movie.  Also, the cast was superb!  Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale, Jeremy Renner, Robert de Niro-there are no words.  Great acting here folks!

Sunday was pretty low key in our household.  Aaron caught the sinus bug, so his morning was spent on the couch while I did a few things around the house.  I had an afternoon date with one of my best friend's in Kansas City in the afternoon and then we went over to my aunt and uncle's for the Super Bowl.  They recently became the parents to two darling Boston Terrier puppies, so I didn't do a whole lot of game watching (plus the Seahawks were killing the Broncos!).
Sweet sleepy Benny.

Sweet sleepy Stella was all cozy in Ryan's hoodie.  Later on in the evening she was playing with my mom's zipper on her coat and it was hilarious.
They both crawled over on Aaron's lap for a mid-game snooze.
It was a great weekend and my morning before work has been very relaxing.  I'm watching Rain Man so I can check off one more Best Picture movie off of my list for #43.

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