Friday, February 21, 2014

5 on Friday

It's time for another link-up with The Good Life blog.  I cannot even begin to tell you how ready I am to be off this weekend after having worked two weekends in a row.  It has been a trying past few weeks at work and I really need this two day break.  So, let's kick off this weekend with five things I'm loving or have done lately.


 # 54.  One more item can be checked off my 101 things in 1001 days list.  I finished putting together the Beauty and the Beast puzzle I received for Christmas and first posted about here.  But, it was missing a piece!  How does this even happen?!  I swear to you I opened the puzzle on the same table I put it together on and it never moved.  Crazy!
In case you don't see the missing piece, look in the upper right hand corner.  It is driving be crazy!


These are my new favorite snack.  I absolutely love dark chocolate and these are the perfect amount of sweet to satisfy my sweet tooth and I love the burst of acai and blueberry.  So yummy and they can be found at Wal-Mart or Target!


I finished reading The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff (one of the books on my 2014 Reading List) last week and I really enjoyed it.  Prepare for a book review next week.  I've started The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom now and so far it is just as excellent as the rest of his books have been.


27 days.  I am so ready for spring that I have this countdown going next to the countdown until our wedding (189 days until the big day-yikes!).  It rained, hailed, and snowed in here in northeast Kansas yesterday and then the sun came out and, had you not just experienced the weather, you would have never known it happened.  Kansas weather is crazy y'all!  Anyways, I am ready to wear cropped jeans, light jackets, and, as much as I love my boots, I am ready to pack those babies away for the season.


Our save the dates are here and the address labels are in the works.  I'm so excited to get these mailed out to everyone!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


  1. I love those chocolates as well! The big bag can be found at Costco and are very dangerous :)

  2. I'm always looking for healthy snack alternatives. Thanks for sharing! I'll have to get some this weekend.
