Friday, February 7, 2014

5 on Friday

It's time for another link-up with The Good Life blog for 5 on Friday.  I am so glad today is Friday because I am off today and the end of the week is here.  This week has seemed extra long and I don't know if it was because of the massive amount of snow or the fact that I was extra irritable, but I was beyond ready for it to be over.  Here's to hoping that my happy go-lucky mood returns this weekend!

1. As I said in this post, Aaron and I registered at Picture This in Seneca this past weekend.  While I was trying to decide what I absolutely cannot live without, I stumbled upon these placemats and they were on sale!  I plan on having a kitchen with these exact colors and sunflowers so they could not have been more perfect!

2. Because of the snow this week, I stayed at my mom and Ryan's house so I could be closer to work.  My mom ended up having Tuesday and Wednesday off and it was nice to be home during the day with her.  We watched TV, baked a few goodies, and enjoyed each other's company.  I also need to give a quick shout out to my parents.  On Tuesday night, I wasn't sure if my Honda would be able to make it home from work at midnight.  Thankfully, a co-worker of mine drives past my mom's house, has four wheel drive, and offered to take me home.  Well, on Wednesday, I had no way to get to work.  After snow-blowing and shoveling the driveway with my mom, she was able to get her car out to give me a ride.  Thanks mom!  Then, my dad called and said he had stopped by the hospital to clear the snow around my car and off of my car.  Thanks dad!  I have wonderful parents.
My snow-blowing casualty.  Evidently you aren't supposed to touch one particular spot or it will burn holes in your tech gloves.

3. I stumbled across the iHeart Organizing blog the other day while reading Pinterest Told Me To and I just love it!  So many great tips about how to organize just about everything in your house. 

4. I invested in some Hunter boots three years ago while I was in college at KU and have not regretted my purchase one bit.  Not long after buying them, I went to NYC with some friends for spring break.  It rained and snowed the majority of the time and I was so thankful for my boots.  They have proven to be extra useful this week too.  However, I have decided I need to invest in the fleece socks to keep my toes warm. Here are my exact boots.
I love these boots!  Perfect for a rainy or snowy day!

5. My dad sent me the link to this article the other day and I was shocked.  I am a huge Harry Potter fan and while reading the books I always thought that Harry and Hermione should end up together, but I also really thought the pairing of Harry and Ginny worked out well.  Needless to say, J.K. Rowling rocked the world of all Harry Potter fans by coming out and saying having Hermione and Ron end up together was a mistake. Crazy!

Have an excellent weekend everyone and stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Love those boots!! And I'm a huge fan of iheartorganizing! I was scrolling down and saw your dog. STOPITNOW. How adorable!! Happy weekend :)
