Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday Wedding Update

According to the news this morning, Topeka received a total of 13 inches of snow.  13 inches!  That's a lot of snow and the drifts that have formed thanks to the lovely wind are even deeper!  Thankfully, I did not end up stranded at the hospital.  My car, on the other hand, was not so lucky.  I opted to forgo driving home and hitch a ride with a co-worker who happened to have four wheel drive and boy am I thankful I did.  My parent's neighborhood roads had not been cleared as of midnight last night and my little Honda couldn't have plowed through the massive amount of snow even if she wanted to.  I can't say this enough-I am so ready for spring!

Anyways, I have a wedding update for y'all today.  Last Saturday, Aaron and I picked out tuxes for the wedding party and we registered at one of the stores on our list, Picture This.  It's this wonderful little store on Main Street in Seneca, Kansas.  If you're ever in that neck of the woods, I highly recommend you stop by!

We also got our Save the Dates ordered and I cannot wait for their arrival!  Our weekend was very productive and our list of things to do is getting shorter, which is wonderful and scary at the same time.  205 days until our big day!

I hope that you are warm and cozy and staying inside on this blistery cold today.  I'll be begging someone to drive me to work later (seeing as my car is stranded in my work parking lot) and then help me dig my car out of the massive amount of snow surrounding it.  Any volunteers are welcome!  Happy hump day folks!

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