Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Tribute to Shirley

"As long as our country has Shirley Temple, we will be alright."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

A part of my childhood died yesterday with the passing of Shirley Temple Black.  I was first introduced to her movies by my grandmother and the joy her films and the songs she sang brought me has never stopped.  Occasionally, I still find myself singing "animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop the loop."  My grandma loved Shirley and her perfectly curled hair and watching her movies together will always be one of my fondest memories.

Here is a clip of one of my favorite songs sung by Shirley Temple in Bright Eyes, my favorite movie that she starred in.  The VHS copy at my grandparent's house was kept in the filing cabinet in their back room.  My grandpa had taped it and I can guarantee I about wore that copy out.  Thankfully, now I own my own personal copy on DVD.  

Rest in peace Shirley.

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