Thursday, February 20, 2014

Olympic Fever

First of all, my sincerest of apologies for my blog hiatus.  I just really haven't been inspired to write about anything lately.  I had a post planned on House Bill 2453, but I still haven't quite found the words to explain my utter embarrassment and anger in regards to this bill.  I have a book review I need to write and an update on my 101 things in 1001 days, but I will save those for another day as well.

The olympics have been on non-stop in our house with a few breaks to watch The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.  I am loving Jimmy Fallon as the new host and watching him is just the cure I need after a stressful night at work.  Anyways, as far back as I can remember figure skating has always been a sport I love to watch.  Kristi Yamaguchi, Michelle Kwan, Tara Lipinski, and Sasha Cohen were some of my favorite skaters to watch growing up.  Needless to say, figure skating has been the highlight of the 2014 games in Sochi for me.  I loved watching Meryl and Charlie and now I'm loving watching the women's figure skating.  I've also gained a newfound appreciation for the snow events, particularly slopestyle and the moguls.  Snowboarding and skiing slopestyle was so fascinating to me and kudos to those athletes because I could never do anything close to what they did.

This weekend we have big plans in Kansas City and then we will finally finish up registering on Sunday.  Registering has been Aaron's favorite part of wedding planning thus far (totally kidding of course!).  The multitude of odd looks and "it doesn't matter to me" that I received while registering at Target and Picture This was one for the record books.  Wish me luck! :)

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