Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Reading List

I love making lists.  There is something therapeutic about writing down everything and being able to check things off (I never draw a line through things, I opt for a checkmark instead).  Anyways, last year I made a list of books I wanted to read and ended up reading all of those on my list plus some.  I decided to do the same thing this year including books from a blog book club I participate in.  Before I reveal this year's list, here are the books I read last year.

2013 Reading List:

I believe that adds up to 28 books.  My favorites were The Glass Castle, A Thousand Splendid Suns, the Divergent trilogy (I'm finishing up Allegiant right now), We Need to Talk About Kevin, and Gone Girl.  I re-read The Hunger Games trilogy to prepare for the release of Catching Fire in the movie theaters.  Now for 2014!

2014 Reading List:
I'll keep you updated on what I think of the books and my progress!

Do you have any book recommendations?

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