Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Husband's Secret

"None of us ever know all the possible courses our lives could have and maybe should have taken.  It's probably just as well.  Some secrets are meant to stay secret forever.  Just ask Pandora."
-Liane Moriarty, The Husband's Secret

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty was chosen as the January book for Bon's Book Club and I was so excited to read it.  To be honest, I had not heard of it until the voting for this year's book choices commenced, but as soon as I read the description I knew it would be a good one!

First off, it's awards season!  One of my favorite times of the year (second to Christmas, July 4th, and fall) and before I share my thoughts on the book, I want to say a few words about the Golden Globe Awards.  I had to work Sunday evening, so I recorded them and watched them yesterday afternoon.  I haven't seen ANY of the movies nominated for best picture yet which is pretty unusual.  Hopefully Aaron and I will get a chance to do some serious movie watching here in the weeks leading up to the Oscars because I really want to see American Hustle, 12 Years a Slave, Dallas Buyer's Club, Philomena, Gravity, August: Osage County and Her.  Also, you can only imagine my excitement when Frozen won Best Animated Feature Film.  Oh, and Jennifer Lawrence is amazing!  I want to know that girl's secret about picking the movies she stars in because I don't think there has been a bad one.
These two were hilarious and I cannot, I repeat cannot wait for Ellen DeGeneres to host the Oscar's!
Alright, back to the book.  The Husband's Secret details the lives of three women, Cecelia, Tess, and Rachel and how they become intertwined all because of a letter that Cecelia finds while looking for her piece of the Berlin Wall.  The letter is written by Cecelia's husband John-Paul and addressed to her to open up on his death.  Cecelia, however, decides to open it while he is still very much alive and its' contents are about to change everything.

While I was reading this book, I kept asking myself "what would I do with the letter."  Cecelia told John-Paul she had found the letter and he explicitly asked her not to open it but she did anyway.  In all honesty, I think I would have done the same thing.  I too would have become suspicious if I came across this letter meant for me and Aaron said "oh no please don't open that" even though its' contents supposedly contain his profession of his love for me.

Now, I won't spoil the secret for you (because you should all read this book!), but I will tell you that the book really makes you question how well you know your loved ones and whether finding out something you could never have imagined would change everything.  As much as we like to think we know everything about each other, the truth is that's not possible.  Each and every one of us has our own secrets.  They could just be that we played with Barbies until we were in junior high (guilty) or they could be something more serious.  The fact of the matter is there are some things people are not willing to share, even with their spouse and is that a bad thing?  Do we truly need to know every detail of our loved one's past?  Would it change how you feel now?  I don't know the answer.

Anyways, The Husband's Secret was an excellent book and a very quick read and it comes highly recommended from yours truly so you should read it!  Next up from my 2014 Reading List is The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff.  Happy Tuesday y'all!

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