Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Divergent Trilogy

I had heard about this series from numerous sources beginning when the first book was published in 2011. However, it wasn't until I saw it on this list and my friend Johanna told me how good it was that I actually decided I needed to read it.

So, I added it to my Christmas list and I opened it up while partaking in one of our many Christmas celebrations.  I read the first two books of the series in a matter of days and the whole series was complete in a week.  Believe me, it could have been finished much sooner but with the holidays and work  my reading time was limited.

This series was the next best thing following The Hunger Games trilogy and the Harry Potter series.  It drags you in and you are rooting for Tris and Four (the two main characters) all the way.  I cannot wait until the movie comes out in March!

Now, every series has it's pros and cons and for me, I always think one of the books is better than the others.  With The Hunger Games trilogy, Catching Fire was my favorite.  With the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was my favorite.  In the Divergent trilogy, I would have to say my favorite book was the first one, Divergent.  The story was just so exciting and the characters were intriguing.  The second and third books were great too, but I found Divergent to be more of a page turner than the other two.  I also did not like how in Allegiant, the author decided to tell the story from both Tris's and Four's point of views.  Since I was not used to this (both Divergent and Insurgent were told from Tris's point of view) I found myself getting forgetting who's point of view I was reading.  Having finished the series, I understand there was probably a reason for doing this, but I still found it to be slightly confusing.

Overall, I would highly recommend this series to anyone and I still haven't gotten over the fact that the author is my age!  Absolutely crazy!  I've moved on to The Husband's Secret, another book on my 2014 Reading List, and I love it so far.  It seems as if 2014 is going to be a good year for reading!

Have you read the Divergent trilogy?  What did you think of it?