Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday Wedding Update

To begin, let me share a quick story with you.  Aaron proposed on August 2nd, 2013, the night we were leaving for Omaha, Nebraska for a quick weekend getaway.  I had just started my job as a full-time nurse in mid-July and it was one of my last weekends off for a while.  Obviously I said yes and the planning began.

Well, as I said, my weekends off were coming to an end so the weekend after we got engaged my mom and I decided to head to Kansas City to look at dresses.  I had made appointments at a few boutiques earlier in the week and we set off Saturday morning.  When we arrived at the first boutique, the consultant asked a few questions and I described my dream dress.  I think in total I ended up trying on five or six dresses, but the very first one was it!  I loved it and knew I wouldn't find anything more perfect.  The only thing was, I had originally intended to have my future mother-in-law, my sisters, and my maid of honor with me when I said "yes to the dress."  Since it was just my mom and I we decided it would be fun to keep it a surprise for everyone!

I got the call some time last week that my dress came in and I quickly made an appointment to try it on and that appointment took place last night.  I had my shoes, my veil, and my dress and it was perfect.  I can't believe how quickly the time is going by and that we will be married in just under eight months!  Trying on my dress again really made the whole wedding thing seem real and it is just crazy!  Of course I always dreamed of my wedding as a little girl and I always thought I would get married around this age, but it's still so surreal that I actually found my perfect man and we are taking the first step towards beginning our life together.  It really is my own little fairy tale!

Anyways, the dress is still going to be a surprise and I haven't taken any pictures of it so I'm not tempted to show it off.  The fun part about it is that I get to have a first look with my bridesmaids now too!  227 days to go until this fairy tale life truly begins!

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