Monday, January 13, 2014

Schlotzsky's, Shopping, and the Sunflower Showdown

"Be melting snow.  Wash yourself of yourself."

After some miserably cold days, it finally decided to warm up a little here in Kansas and it made for a beautiful weekend.  I was off on Friday, but picked up some overtime in the morning and man did it feel good to wake up early and start my day.  I felt like a normal functioning member of society!  I look forward to the time when I will be able to work a normal day shift schedule.  When I got off work at noon, I ran to Schlotzsky's to pick up some sandwiches and then to my dad's office to have lunch.  We visited for a while and had some quality father-daughter time which is hard to come by these days.  Friday evening, Aaron and I spent the night in watching movies and eating Lifesaver gummies.

Saturday morning we both woke up early and headed our separate ways.  He headed north to work on the farm while I headed south to spend some time with my mom.  Our goal was to find her "mother of the bride" dress, but we were not successful.  However, we did snag a few deals while at the mall.  I got this flannel button-up at Eddie Bauer half off the original price and I love it!  We made it back home just in time to catch the second half of the Sunflower Showdown and, let me just say, Rock Chalk Jayhawk!  I'm still not entirely sure I agree with Embiid being ejected from the game but we still won, so I am happy.  Oh, and I really liked the throwback uniforms!
Wiggins stepped up his game a bit this weekend.  Photo from KU Sports.
Yesterday was a beautiful day and we took advantage of the weather and spent some time outside taking down the Christmas lights.  All of our Christmas decor is officially packed away which means we truly have to wait 345 more days until the next holiday season.

Coming up this week I will talk about The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty, which I finished on Friday, (two books marked off my 2014 Reading List) there will be a Wednesday Wedding Update, and a Friday Favorites post so stay tuned!

What did you do this weekend?


  1. I just found your blog on Facebook! So neat to see how you've been doing!

  2. Thanks! I always enjoy reading your posts as well and congrats on your new addition! She is precious!
